
>Tag: laparoscopy

A to Z Laparoscopic Suturing Course – EAGS

Laparoscopic suturing and knot tying require a high level of psychomotor skills and should be learned in the early stages of laparoscopic training. A 3-day course for max. of 20 participants (2 per station) with theoretical and mostly practical training in laparoscopic suturing skills. After completing basic dry lab training, almost all scenarios encountered during [...]

2016-11-08T15:58:36+00:00November 14th, 2016|Categories: |Tags: , , , |

Transvaginal Laparoscopy Course – EAGS

An 2-day intensive course that focuses on possibilities and limitations of transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy. Through lectures, live surgical demonstrations and hands on training the individual is introduced in the use and application of the instruments, the diagnostic and operative possibilities. Special attention will be given to the indications and contra indications, the risks, complications, patient compliance and future [...]

2016-04-07T12:37:01+00:00November 3rd, 2016|Categories: |Tags: , , , |