Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) is pleased to announce the launch of its journal ‘Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn’. The journal is a major platform for research, guidelines, reviews, innovations, opinion, techniques and instrumentation in the field of gynaecological endoscopy.

It will publish the guidelines and recommendations prepared by the ESGE and its affiliated and allied societies, as well as original research articles.

The journal is open access via its website www.fvvo.be, is published by Universa Press and managed by the ESGE Central Office. Printed copies are also available and can be subscribed via the website.

Volume 11, No 1, Mar 2019
Volume 11, No 2, Jun 2019
Volume 11, No 3, Sept 2019
Volume 11, No 4, Dec 2019
Volume 12, No 1, Mar 2020
Volume 12, No 2, Jun 2020
Journal Website