SIG Organisation
SIG Chair:
B. Rabischong
SIG Members:
K. Afors, P. Trompoukis, A. Forman, V. Chiantera, M. Possover, A. Daniilidis
Latest Updates
SIG Neuropelveology Project
Promotion of a new discipline with a lot of clinical perspectives
Project description
Neuropelveology is born from the anatomical advantage of laparoscopy, which now allows to surgically expose the main somatic or autonomic pelvic nerves. Laparoscopic procedures include: nerve sparing, neurolysis for endometriosis, preoperative neurostimulation, implantation of neural electrode. In 2014, we create the ISON (International Society of Neuropelveology) during the ESGE Annual Congress in Brussels. Since 2014, we organized a post- or pre-congress course during the annual congress. An international workshop with cadaveric dissection is held each two years. We implemented a specific certification to be a neuropelveologist with 3 levels. The objectives are promoting and teaching neuropelveology to ESGE members to prepare for the neuropelveology certification in link with GESEA.